Metal Heart (2006) METAL HEART (2006)
documentary, SR, 14 min, 4:3, color, stereo
Musical – educative document about metal, dealing
with its main subgenres and with the subjective
views of the supporters of this kind of music.

Director: Agnes Dimun
Story, Screenplay, Cinematographer, Editor: Agnes Dimun
Cast: Peter Chalupčík, Martin Majdan,
Miloš Mendel, Andrej Bednár, Tomáš Gajda,
Lenka Dimunová
Narrated by: Jaroslav "Jerry" Szabó
Producer: Agnes Dimun, FDU AU Banská Bystrica
>Honorable Mention for students of FDU AU in BB
visual for creative contribution in the category
of documentary film - Áčko 2007
>Honorable Mention - Cineama 2006